Million Dollar Host Paperback
Get a copy today of the book that launched Julie onto the world stage! Order today and have it delivered tomorrow on Amazon -

Hosts Book
Inspiring & Memorable Stories from Airbnb Hosts around the world to educate and Motivate. Julie is a co-author of this Best Selling book published in 2022. Buy today on Amazon (paperback, e-book and audible options)

$9.99 USD
Million Dollar Host E-Book
What makes a Million Dollar Host? Download Million Dollar Host today and find out more about the incredible Julie George. In 2016, curiosity led her to list her first property on the trending Airbnb site. In no time at all, it became apparent that there was more than just 'holiday money' to be made. Far from simply listing properties, Julie George turned a 'hobby' into a business. A very profitable one.
In Million Dollar Host, Julie shares knowledge and experience and her tips and insider tricks so you can set up a similar business in your area. She takes you through every step of the process, from maximising your listing potential to ways to expand your property management portfolio and offerings.
Even better, Julie's strategies to make a hefty profit from Airbnb apply even if you don't own your own rental property!
$299 USD
Property Owners Appointment Form
(Including Terms and Conditions)
**In WORD format so that you can customize, include your logo / business details and make it your own!
This is the initial 9 page document Julie George used to sign up property owners and take on the management of their property. Julie discovered that you need to set the expectations early and get on the same page with your property owner and she did so successfully with this document! If there is one document that is ESSENTIAL in Airbnb Property Management (and which will give you a detailed understanding of how Julie set up her business) is it this one!
$249 USD
Onboarding Template Package
**In WORD format so that you can customize, include your logo / business details and make it your own!
Taking on a NEW property to manage can be a daunting and overwhelming taskā€¦. But also a very exciting and rewarding opportunity.Ā Property Managers need to have clear processes and paperwork in place in order for this transition to take place.Ā This will also be the time to get the boundaries and expectations with property owners to prevent Micro Management and interference in the futureā€¦. The one element of property management which really can turn potential entrepreneurs away from this business structure.
This Onboarding Package containsĀ three documents which are essential to any short term rental property manager

$249 USD
Independent Contractor Service Agreement
**In WORD format so that you can manipulate, include your logo / business details and make it your own!
HIRING??? Do you need help with your business and want to hire contractors to assist you? This is the document that was used by Julie George to engage Contractors in her Airbnb business.
$220 USD
Host Training Manual
(Including Timesheet / Recipient Created Tax Invoice Template)
**In WORD format so that you can customize, include your logo / business details and make it your own!
You have found the right person to help you in your business (if you are at this stage of scaling up your business a HUGE congratulations) but now what??? Or perhaps you just need some 'refresher training' yourself?
This is the document you need to train your newest addition to your team! This is the exact training that Julie gave her team of Co-Hosts in her very successful Airbnb Property Management Business.
$180 USD
Property Manager Terms & Contract
**In WORD format so that you can customize, include your logo / business details and make it your own!
HIRING??? Do you need help with your business and want to hire a Property Manager (Employee) to assist you?
This is the document that was used by Julie George to engage Property Managers in her Airbnb business (did you know that Julie did not 'employ' her first Property Manager until she had 50 properties under her management and a stable income.... want to find out more about this? Book a time to chat with her on Zoom).
$80 USD
Organizational Chart, Roles and Responsibilities
This is an Organizational Chart replicating the Airbnb Property Management business Julie George operated with a portfolio of 130 properties and the exact structure that allowed her to WORK ON THE BUSINESS NOT IN IT!! She was averaging 10 hours per week by having this team in place!
This business model is extremely LOW risk but offers high rewards and can easily continue to
be scaled up! It is a structure that can be replicated world wide and shows exactly what roles were recruited in order, what responsibilities they had and what they got paid.
Discover Julies secrets today....
$180 USD
Property Appraisal Templates (x 3)
**In WORD format so that you can customize, include your logo / business details and make it your own!
Preparing a Property Market Appraisal for potential clients on a property that you have identified as one that you would like to manage is part of a Sales Strategy that assisted in Julie achieving a portfolio of 130 properties in a 2.5 year period. Purchase these three different appraisal templates that allow for you to identify property potential, allow for comparisons with other successful short term rentals and convey your opinion on the nightly rate that can be achieved. Of course, the last paragraph on these documents encourage a ‘Call to Action’ to invite potential new clients to use your own professional management services. These templates are the absolute ‘go-to’ once you have conducted a physical inspection of the property and consulted your favorite Data Analytics Software such as STR Insights or Airdna.
$990 USD
Bundle Package
**In WORD format so that you can customize, include your logo / business details and make it your own!
This bundle contains ALL of the Templates for Sale created by Julie George and by purchasing this package you will get an EXTRA DISCOUNT! What a way to level up your business by customizing these word documents to make your very own.